




顶点小说网 www.23wx.cx,:我是谁:无错无删减全文免费阅读!

bsp; “colonel mason, the experiment on biochemical humans has reached the fourth level, and the fourth generation of biochemical humans has basically made up for the shortings of the previous three generations. the fourth generation of biochemical humans can be said to be the closest to perfection.(梅森上校,关于生化人的实验已经进行到第四层了,第四代的生化人已经基本弥补了前三代所存在的不足,第四代生化人可以说是最接近完美的。)”费尼特博士道。

    “can the fourth generation of biochemical humans be put into use now?(第四代生化人现在是否可以投入使用?)”梅森上校道。

    “of course, they can be put into use at any time.(当然,他们随时都可以投入使用。)”费尼特博士道。

    “have you recycled and destroyed the first three generations of biochemical humans, except for those put into use?(除了那些投入使用的生化人,你是否回收并销毁了前三代生化人?)”梅森上校问道。

    “please rest assured, colonel mason. I have already collected and destroyed everything that is useless, except for Rebecca.(请放心梅森上校,只要没有用的我都已经进行了回收和销毁,除了瑞贝卡。)”费尼特博士道。

    “what's wrong with Rebecca?(瑞贝卡是怎么回事?)”梅森上校问道。

    “Rebecca is a third-generation biochemist, and her abilities far surpass those of other third-generation biochemists. She is the best, which is why I have not yet collected and destroyed her.(瑞贝卡是第三代生化人,她的各项都远超于其他的第三代生化人,她是最棒的,所以我才迟迟没有对她进行回收和销毁。)”费尼特博士道。

    “dr. Fenett, immediately activate Rebecca and let her carry out the task.(费尼特博士,马上启动瑞贝卡,让她去执行任务。)”梅森上校道。

    “well, it will take some more time. Rebecca cannot be put into use at the moment.(这个嘛,还需要一点时间,瑞贝卡现在还暂时不能投入使用。)”费尼特博士道。

    “why can't she put it into use yet? what other problems does she have?(为什么她还不能投入使用?她还存在什么问题?)”梅森上校问道。

    “her thoughts are stronger than those of other biochemical beings, which is why I have never used her.(她的思想强于其他的生化人,这就是为什么我一直都没有启用她的原因。)”费尼特博士道。

    “If that's the case, please immediately recycle and destroy her. we don't need her to have her own thoughts, what we need is her strength and 100% execution.(如果是这样的话那么请你立即对她进行回收和销毁,我们不需要她有自己的思想,我们需要的是她的强大还有她100%的执行力。)”梅森上校道。

    “but it's a pity that way. her abilities far surpass those of other bio humans!(可是这样就太可惜了,她的各项都远超于其他的生化人啊!)”费尼特博士道。

    “can she still surpass the fourth generation? what we need is an absolutely obedient bio human, she must not have her own ideas. dr. Fenett, please immediately recycle and destroy her. this is an order!(难道她还能超过第四代吗?我们需要的是绝对服从的生化人,她绝不能有自己的想法。费尼特博士,请立即对她进行回收和销毁,这是命令!)”梅森上校道。

    “okay colonel, I will execute immediately.(好的上校,我立即执行。)”迫于梅森上校的权力,费尼特博士只好答应了。



    “Facing this group of living and dead people all day is really boring!(整天面对着这群活死人还真是无趣啊!)”一名戴着黄帽穿着制服的秘密实验人员道。

    “do you want to find some fun?(那要不要找些乐子呀?)”穿制服未戴帽的秘密实验人员提议道。

    “what kind of fun can you find here?(这里有什么乐子可以找啊?)”戴帽子的秘密实验人员道。

    “there is a little beauty among us dead and alive!(咱们这些活死人中可有一个小美女呢!)”未戴帽的秘密实验人员道。

    “Are you saying Rebecca? She is the third generation bio human!(你是说瑞贝卡?她可是第三代生化人呢!)”戴帽子的秘密实验人员道。

    “I heard dr. Fenett is going to recycle and destroy her, why don't we play before she's destroyed? She is the most beautiful among all female biomorphs.(我听说费尼特博士要回收并销毁她,为什么我们不在她被销毁前玩一玩?她是所有女生化人中最美丽的一位。)”未戴帽的秘密实验人员提议道。

    “If dr. Fenett and colonel mason find out, we'll be dead!(如果被费尼特博士和梅森上校知道了我们就死定了!)”戴帽子的秘密实验人员道。

    “they won't know, we just need to put her back in place after we finish playing, it won't take long.(他们不会知道的,我们玩完再把她归位不就行了,这耽误不了多久的。)”未戴帽的秘密实验人员道。







